domingo, 4 de octubre de 2009

"Here's How To Save Up To 50% Each Month On Your Home Utility Bills Without Installing Solar Panels Or A Wind Generator!"

It is becoming a popular craze these days
to generate your own energy to cut your
power bills.

Solar, wind, and other sources can
supplement your energy supply in
whole or in part. But, wouldn't it be
great if you were able to do something
that would allow you to get the same
amount of benefit for a fraction of the
cost or time required to install these
other energy sources?

Of course you would! For example, it may
cost you $10,000 for a certain amount of
solar equipment to give you a certain
amount of benefit. But what if you were
able to get the same benefit for $1000?

How? This is the question that many
people are asking because everyone is
programmed to believe that turning
down the thermostat so that you freeze
in your own home and throwing a thin
little bit of insulation around your
water heater are the smart things to

Most people are also becoming programmed
to believe that making your own electricity
at home is also the answer. But I'm not
interested in anything that takes a lot
of time, money or effort.

If you want to know what the power
companies, the green builders, and
other so-called green thinkers aren't
telling you wouldn't that be worth a
few minutes of your time to find out?

Check it out here:

Join the growing number of people who
are Saving on Home Energy costs right now.

Peter Lindemann

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